Growth accounting

美 [ɡroʊθ əˈkaʊntɪŋ]英 [ɡrəʊθ əˈkaʊntɪŋ]
  • 网络增长核算
Growth accountingGrowth accounting
  1. Study on the Government Economic Performance Evaluation under a Green Growth Accounting


  2. Research on Shanghai 's general growth accounting and green GDP accounting


  3. A dual approach to the growth accounting in China Production cost accounting of oil refining and analysis of its profit calculation method


  4. However , the standard growth accounting method ignores the fact that human capital can promote growth of technological progress and speed up the narrowing of technological gap .


  5. Section 2 applied the different human capital variables to economic growth accounting of China in 1952-2003 with total productivity function model , and research the effects of different human capital variables .


  6. Section 3 analyze and appraisal and modify the meta-product function model for region cross-section economic growth accounting in 2004 of China , with our measure variables .


  7. The theory of accumulation shares the same theoretical foundations with Neoclassical Economics , and the applicability of its growth accounting model to the latecomers is worth rethinking .


  8. On this foundation , an empirical analysis is made on the mode of capital deepening and change of capital productivity of the main developed countries and NICs by means of the growth accounting approach in this dissertation .


  9. China continues to be the single biggest driver of global growth , accounting for27 % of the growth this year .


  10. Meanwhile , the number of Chinese students studying at US elementary and secondary schools maintained double-digit growth , accounting for 52 percent of international fellow students in the US , the report said .


  11. Has been published in the GEM 2010 Annual Report of disclosure , only has 13 listed companies on GEM as expected level of growth , accounting for less than 10 % .


  12. Presently , the trade with Russia has witnessed rapid growth , accounting for 55.8 % of the overall trade volume of the province , up to 1 / 5 of the trade value between China and Russia .


  13. Forensic accounting is a new growth area in accounting by the late of 20th century .


  14. A Chinese official says that the digital economy is a growth driver , accounting for over one-third of the gross domestic product .


  15. The property sector is the most important driver of Chinese growth , directly accounting for more than 10 per cent of gross domestic product .


  16. CO_ ( 2 ) flux resulted from soil respiration mainly occurred during the maize growth period , accounting for 56 % ~ 59 % of annual CO_ ( 2 ) emission , whereas 32 % ~ 37 % during the wheat growth period .


  17. Export Demand 's Contribution to China 's Economic Growth : A Revised Accounting Framework


  18. So , in the current period of sustained rapid economic growth , strengthening internal accounting control over engineering projects has become the urgent affairs .


  19. It generally believes that the total assets growth can cause the accounting income growth . The income growth has represented the enterprise value growth ; therefore the stock price will grow with it .


  20. The effect of telecommunications investment on economic growth increases substantially after accounting for spillover effects between the telecom and other sectors of the economy , and the effect runs in the long term .


  21. When measuring the contribution of foreign trade to economic growth by use of accounting identity of expenditure approach , there is an inherent limitation , i.e. import plays an negative role to economic growth .


  22. This paper conducts an empirical analysis on the economic growth in West China through establishing a simple neo-classical economic growth accounting model .


  23. Development is the main topic of the globe , and economic growth is the prerequisite of the development . The analysis of productivity driven by solow 's equilibrium of growth accounting make the theories of economic growth develop to a new stage .
